7 Useful Types of Quantitative Research to Know

7 Types of Quantitative Research

The data qualitative research and quantitative research produces has different applications. Additionally, quantitative and qualitative research methods have crucial research design differences. Quantitative research utilizes numerical data for data collection and data analysis purposes.

Alternatively, qualitative research utilizes non numerical data for data collection and data analysis purposes. Even within quantitative research, there are different research type categories available. Understanding the types of quantitative research available is critical to proper application.

Delineating between a primary and secondary research type is useful for research purposes. The distinguishing characteristic between secondary and primary research is the relationship between data collection and researchers.

The primary research type requires researcher participation in the data collection process. Alternatively, the secondary research type utilizes existing data without researchers performing data collection processes. Research conducted is either categorized as primary or secondary in nature. Types of research conducted that fall under the primary and secondary umbrella include-

1. Causal Comparative Research

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Causal comparative research is also commonly referred to as quasi experimental research. Quasi experimental research is a primary research type method. The causal comparative research method is used to find the relationship two or more variables have. The quasi experimental research method necessitates two variables at the minimum but can observe different variables simultaneously. In order to execute quasi experimental research accurately, one variable must be established without modifications. The impacts of an independent variable on a dependent variable or multiple dependent variables are then observed.

2. Cross Sectional Survey

A cross sectional survey is also commonly referred to as an observational study. A cross sectional survey is a primary research type method. A cross sectional survey is research conducted on a target population at a specific point in time. Sampling methods of cross sectional surveys may include researchers that collect data from individuals of two groups or more. The purpose of the sampling method is to study the differences between the two groups or additional groups. A cross sectional survey research method evaluates different variables simultaneously.

3. Sampling Methods

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Methods are sampled in two different ways for quantitative research purposes. Sampling methods are under the primary research type umbrella. The two sampling method types are probability and non probability sampling. The probability sampling method selects research study participants randomly from the population. There are four different types of probability sampling techniques that include cluster, simple random, systemic, and stratified sampling.

Stratified sampling divides the population into two strata before randomly selecting samples. Systemic sampling selects samples at fixed intervals which are calculated by dividing sample size by population size. The simple random sampling method selects research study participants from a large population randomly. Cluster sampling divides a large population in half dependent on a factor and then randomly chooses participants from that pool. The factor in cluster sampling could be a demographical or geographical area.

In non probability sampling methods, samples are not randomly selected but instead, participants are selected by researchers. Types of non probability sampling include snowball, quota, and judgmental. The judgemental sampling method selects research participants based on researcher skills and knowledge. The quota sampling method selects participants based on specific sectors of researcher knowledge. The snowball sampling method selects only targetted participants and is generally used when participant availability is sparse.

4. Commercial Information

Commercial information sources are categorized as secondary quantitative research methods. Commercial sources range from print newspapers to radio programs. An important consideration for all researchers engaging in commercial information data collection is checking the validity of sources. As such, researchers must take extreme care to only collect data from credible sources. Commercial information sources contain valuable information on everything from market research to economic developments.

5. Educational Institutes

Secondary quantitative research methods include educational institute research. Research conducted at educational institutes is well worth researcher consideration. Researchers employed at educational institutes regularly churn out case studies on a wide variety of subject matter. Case studies produced by researchers at educational institutes can contain incredibly helpful data for outside researchers to utilize. An educational institute case study is generally considered credible.

6. Government Resources

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Government research is a type of secondary quantitative research method. Due to the verifiability of government research data is considered credible. Government research is also generally very detailed and as such is often utilized to validate quantitative research conclusions. Government research often deals with market research reports.

7. Internet Data

Internet data is categorized as a secondary quantitative research method type. The internet contains virtually endless information with additional data uploaded every moment. Researchers benefit from the vast availability of an existing research survey and research study results. From dedicated websites to social media forums, there are many different platforms where researchers upload their information. However, the extensive research data available on the internet must be checked for its credibility.

Key Takeaways of Quantitative Data Research

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  • There are many different types of quantitative research available ranging from causal comparative research to internet data.
  • Quantitative research is split into primary and secondary research types.