What Business Process Management Tools Does Your Business Need?

What to Look for in a BPM Tool

Business process management continues to evolve as technology improves and business needs increase. Organizations invest in BPM tools to automate, measure, and optimize business activities. Automation software allows decision-makers to employ process modeling to streamline task management and increase efficiency.

While many small businesses continue to use manual processes for repetitive tasks, more organizations choose to invest in a business process management tool. They allow employees to collaborate to complete tasks and allocate resources properly. Leaders can measure the results of each activity's performance to ensure it aligns with company objectives.

The best business process management systems let users generate diagrams to optimize workflows and decrease inefficiencies. While each business has different requirements, there are some key features to look for in BPM software. These include-

1. Cost of Workflow Software

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It's difficult to generalize about the expense of software tools as each supplier and solution is different. The cost of a BPM platform depends on how many employees will be using it and what type of functionality it has. Other variables include how much support an organization needs from its management software and the goals of the organization.

A small business can spend anywhere from 100-200 a month, while a large organization may invest over 100,000. Businesses shouldn't just purchase the least expensive business process managment (BPM) solution but should consider what they need out of their process management software.

2. Usability of Management Solution

It takes time and effort to ensure employees know how to use automation software. Busier organizations should invest in a process management tool that is easy to use and intuitive. Leaders shouldn't have to spend too much time training employees to use the system.
If workers are technically proficient, businesses may invest in a workflow automation tool with high-level functionality. It's critical to consider what the organization needs from the BPM platform before anyone invests.

3. Management Tool Integration Capabilities

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Organizations should ensure their BPM software integrates with other internal systems. Otherwise, the IT team will need to manually transfer data between networks, which is a long and tedious process.
The main systems that need to integrate with a BPM tool are Webhooks (notification system) and API (enables applications to communicate). This will ensure that employees can easily see updates and collaborate with colleagues on business tasks.

How to Differentiate BPM Tools

There are a lot of factors to consider before an organization invests in cloud-based process automation software. First, the leadership team needs to consider what its goals are and how it wants to improve internal processes. While it's critical to not overspend, it's also important that the management solution achieves those goals.

BPM tools also need to be easy to use and intuitive so employers don't have to spend too much time on training. Finally, integration is key when it comes time to find the best BPM. It should automate all activities and replace manual processes. When a business owner starts the search process, he/she should also look for the following components -

1. Drag Drop Process Design

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Corporate-level business process management software utilizes a set way to model workflows in real time and create diagrams. This is also referred to as business process modeling and notation. Small businesses and non-corporate entities can invest in solutions that don't require or use BPMN.

This alternative, less expensive functionality is called drag-drop process design. It is another mechanism to manipulate and model data. It can regroup processes, reconfigure them, or move around the information.

2. BPM Software Integration Functionality

In today's world, businesses need to integrate all of their information. It's difficult for teams to complete their jobs when they can't access data or see it from their phones. Every BPM tool should allow information to transfer between systems when employees need it.
Furthermore, a user can input an update, and another user will immediately see the change. This allows the entire supply chain to communicate and complete their jobs without having to speak. It will also increase operational effectiveness so an organization can achieve maximum profits.

3. BPM Software Hosting

Businesses may want to operate their software internally or externally. Most BPM providers offer options for both. The organization should consider how it wants users to interact with the technology.

Are there a lot of remote workers? Do employees typically go off-site? Do managers want access to the software on their mobile devices? If so, a business may be better off if they invest in a cloud-based solution. It also provides more storage space for large quantities of data.

4. Workflow Management System Responsiveness

Executives don't want to spend too much time trying to train employees to use a new system. Every software tool should be intuitive and easy to understand. The user interface should be easy to navigate for even the least tech-savvy individual.
Owners should consider who will use the software and where they will interact with it. BPM tools also need to be responsive or configure to mobile devices. This allows anyone to easily access the system whether on-site or off-site, which is particularly critical for managers and remote teams.

Key Takeaways on Business Process Management Tools

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Here is what an organization should consider before they invest in a business process management tool

  • BPM software cost depends on the needs and size of the company. The software should be usable so employees can easily access information when they need it.
  • Management tools should easily integrate with other software so individuals can transfer information between systems.
  • Drop down process design is key for smaller businesses who need to model workflows and optimize project management. Each user should be able to communicate with other teams without having to speak when they use a BPM tool.
  • BPM software hosting can be cloud-based or internal-based. Most organizations pick cloud solutions because they can view the system from anywhere. BPM solutions should also be responsive so users can view information from their mobile phones.